Saturday, June 14, 2008

Starting Your Own Internet Enterprise

5 Keys to Starting Your Own Internet Enterprise
by: Joel Christopher

Six months ago, I was asked by the moderator of a discussion
group with a large membership to share some words of wisdom on
how I got started online. She wanted me to share them with the
group's eZine with 20,000 subscribers.

It gave me a chance to reflect on my experience in developing and
starting my own Internet Business and Web Site. It took me almost
7 months of study and research to formulate my business plan and
implement the business model so I have a lot to share.I thought
it would be appropriate to share it in this eZine. After all, it
is dedicated to helping beginner Internet entrepreneurs get
started with an online business - and sooner or later, be their
own boss!

I asked myself: "If I can boil down what I've learned in the last
7 months, what lessons have I learned as keys to starting my own
Internet venture?" Here's are the 5 KEY ANSWERS I came up with.

1. Discover and Seek Your PASSION

I found that this is the first and most important key. Your
passion is the wellspring from which your energy and enthu-
siasm comes from. If you love what you do and do what you
love then you're doing what I call "pure joy of work". It's
not even "work" anymore, it becomes a way of life - it's what
the author and speaker Jim Rohn calls "The Art ofLiving".

Some of you might have heard or even read the book "Do what
you Love.The Money will Follow". I agree with that statement.
You have to be passionate about what you do.People will notice
your passion (or lack of it) in your business or chosen
endeavor. Once people discern this passion, they will
follow you and they will buy your ideas, goods and services.

I've known for a while that I'm passionate about being my own
boss, being self-employed.I have been an employee, an employer
and self-employed. Nothing beats self-employment, in my own
opinion. It hits you like a "bug" when you "catch" it - the
BYOB (Be Your Own Boss) Bug. I am also passionate about know-
ledge and learning especially with the Internet making it even
easier to access any information anywhere in the world.
Having discovered this early on, I started a web site devoted
to helping people learn how to become their own boss --- using
the most powerful means of communication known to humanity ­
The Internet.

Thus, "The Newbie Netpreneur's
FIRST ACCESS to Net Success" was born.

2. Gain KNOWLEDGE and Be a STUDENT of the Net

In any trade or profession, you must gain the knowledge to
achieve a certain level of competence. To become an expert in
your chosen profession, more knowledge and experience are
required.Treat your Internet Business as a Professional Career
whether you're doing it part-time or full-time. For you to
become a professional, you have to be a student of your chosen
profession first.

Learn everything you can about your product & services, your
target market and the Internet as a whole. Be a perpetual
student who continually learns and incessantly applies what
you have learned along the way. I call it "kinesthetic
learning" - Learning by Doing. Keep acquiring, keep applying
and keep testing your knowledge. Turn knowledge into informa-
tion....then turn information into communication.
The best place to do this is the Internet.

3. Find Mentors- Get H.O.P.E.(Help from Other People's Expertise)

Have you ever heard of the saying "don't re-invent the wheel"?
Sure you have. Somehow, somewhere ­ someone has already
figured out a way to succeed in the venture you're getting
into. Why not follow his/her proven recipe for success and
apply it to your own situation.

The shortcut to success is through Mentorship. In the area of
Internet Marketing, there are already those who have found
ways to be successful....even though the Net is still new
and there's still a lot to learn. Find these successful Online
Marketers and model their formula for success. Seek out these
Webmasters. You'd be surprised to find out how generous they
are with their advice.

It' easy to follow their footsteps. Check their web sites, read
their books and study their courses. Most of these experts
publish FREE newsletters where you can learn tons of golden
nuggets of information every week. I even found a few of them
who offer e-mail and phone consultation when you obtain their
books and courses. I will reveal who these Masters are & what
I learned from them in a future article. If you can't wait,

4. Share Your EXPERTISE

Dr. Stephen Covey, author of the "7 Habits of Highly Effective
People", wrote that the best way to learn principles is to
teach others.

Teach others and you'll be better at it each time you do it.
The more you SHARE and teach, the more of an expert you become.
The more you become an expert, the more you improve your
credibility. When you share your expertise (what you're
PASSIONATE about), you will not only build your credibility.
It will also help you develop your knowledge and skills and
help your business grow. Thus, it will help your earnings.

It's a positive feedback loop:


5. Get Started NOW!

A sense of urgency is the mark of a successful person. There is
no better time to START than NOW ­ TODAY!

Most failures think that there are 8 days in a week ---
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday &
"Someday, I'll start my own business."
"Someday, I'll get to it." "Someday, I'll.."
Well, "Someday" never comes.

All winners think of one day ­ TODAY! Think of today & everyday
as the beginning of the rest of your life. Whatever Internet
business you want to start, START NOW. Whatever task you need to
do to get started, DO IT TODAY. Be it learning Internet
Marketing, studying search engine positioning, email marketing
or creating a web site.. whatever it is, it doesn't matter.
Just Get Started!

My advice to beginners: List the 5-10 things you love to share or
do. Narrow it down to the one or two you're most passionate or
most motivated about. Then start learning more about it, find
mentors to help you and finally, share it to the world. The best
place to do it is on the Internet.

If it's true that SUCCESS is the progressive realization of a
worthy ideal, then when you start today, you already are a

I wish you the best of success!

About the Author

Joel Christopher, is the Publisher of "Access-2-Success eZine",
a weekly eZine dedicated to provide Beginner Internet
Entrepreneurs a step-by-step guide on how to start, grow
and expand your own online business venture.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

10 Tips for a Successful Job Search

10 Tips for a Successful Job Search
by: Cathy Severson, MS

Create a support system for yourself emotionally and for your job search. Identify allies that you can count on. Know some will have strengths in one area, but weaknesses in another. Recognize different people will play different roles in your job search.

Maintain a positive attitude. Inevitably, negative feelings can sabotage your job search. If you have anger about your former employer, work through it. Negative emotions will undermine your best efforts. Keep yourself renewed and enthusiastic throughout the process.

Network. The number one way of getting a job is through networking. Even if you are involved in the computer industry, less than 10% of jobs are obtained through the Internet. Devote energy to making real, valuable connections with people.

Develop a schedule and goals. Getting a job is of course the ultimate goal, but it is impossible to predict when you will achieve it. Develop daily and weekly schedules of job search activities you can control. For example, send out 10 resumes, research 5 companies and call 10 people in your network. This will keep you on track, and focused.

Know what you want. People need to work for money and benefits. But remember other components are necessary for you to feel satisfied in the workplace. Know what motivates and satisfies you. Know which environment you're most productive in. Know what you can compromise on and what you won't.

Always have a "Plan B". The best time to accelerate your job search is when you've just had the greatest interview of your life. You're feeling confident, enthusiastic and competent. This is the time to expand your networking, follow-up on contacts and schedule new interviews. Remember, even the most promising prospect can backfire.

Take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Exercise and eating right can't go wrong-they are proven to enhance quality of life. Celebrate your creativity and find ways to engage your mind, body and spirit.

Research companies before the interview. Find out about the company through your local library and Internet. Request an annual financial report and promotional information from the company. Ninety percent of the other job seekers don't do their homework, be the one that stands out.

Know what you have to offer. Identify your relevant skills and accomplishments. Know the unique contributions you offered former employers. Be able to articulate your strengths on your resume and in the interview.

Think outside the box during your job search. Look for unexpected opportunities; explore untapped skills and interests. Open yourself up to
new possibilities

About the Author

Cathy Severson, MS is a career counselor and a career coach. She helps adults find both success and fulfillment in their work by incorporating a simple three-step strategy. Contact her at and visit her website at


Friday, May 9, 2008

10 Power Tips for Presentations with Computer Projection

10 Power Tips for Presentations with Computer Projection

by: George Torok

When was the last time you sat through a terrible presentation using computer projection? When was the last time you gave one? If you want to avoid disaster and give your career a boost then apply these ten tips the next time you present with the computer projector. And if you want to do a friend a favour then slide them a copy of these tips before their next presentation.

The biggest mistake is to believe that cool graphics will make up for your lack of presentation skills. If you can not cook - it does not matter how good the stove is. Use these tips to develop your presentation skills and work with the tools. The computer is only a tool. You are the presenter. When you present with multi-media you are more than a performer. You are a producer. Be aware and stay in control of what you and your technology are doing to the audience.

1. Stand on the left side as the audience sees you. Because we read from left to right your audience can look at you then follow your gesture to the screen. Their eyes are comfortably moving left to right, they read the text then they return to you. If you stood on the right side their eyes have to make too many movements to read the slides and watch you. If you present using Hebrew, (read right to left), stand on the right side of the screen. If you present using old Chinese, (top to bottom), climb on top of the screen, (just kidding).

2. You are the show. Be heard and be seen. Stand away from the computer and in the light. Use a remote mouse to get away from the computer. Too many people hide in the dark behind the laptop. Arrange the lighting in the room so that you are in the light while the screen is dark. You might need to unscrew some of the ceiling lights to get it right.

3. Turn off the screen savers on your computer - any that are part of the Windows software - plus the one that comes with the laptop. It is embarrassing for you to be talking about important points you thought were on the screen while they are looking at flying toasters or Bart Simpson. It is even worse when your energy saver kicks in and shuts it all down. Remember to adjust this as well.

4. Learn how to use the switch that toggles both screens on. Often this is a function key. This toggle controls whether your laptop or projector - or both are on. You want both on so you can look at the laptop while the audience watches the same image behind you on the screen. Occasionally glance quickly at the screen just to check. But put your laptop between you and the audience so you can be looking at your audience while speaking.

5. Colours appear differently on the projector, the laptop, and the desktop where you designed it. If the exact colour is important, (perhaps for a company logo), test and adjust the colour ahead of time.

6. Keep it simple with the colours and special effects. Use no more than six colours on a slide. Use slide transitions and builds to entertain without detracting from your message. Effects like partial build reveals one point at a time allowing your audience to stay right with you.

7. Motion attracts their eyes. Gesture to the screen when you want them to look there. Use moving text to grab attention. Stand still when you want them to look at the screen. Move when you want to capture their attention again.

8. Test your slides for size and readability by standing six feet away from the monitor. If you can read the monitor then your audience will likely be able to read the screen. If they can not comfortably see and read your screen all you did was to annoy them.

9. Arrive early and test everything. Re-read this line - again!

10. Murphy loves technology. Be prepared with backup files, an extra power source for the laptop and projector and spare batteries for your remote mouse. It only takes one little thing to spoil it. Be prepared to give your presentation without the hardware.

Bonus TIP: People buy you - not your technology. You are always selling yourself - don't get lost in the technology.

About the Author

© George Torok is licensed to present Power Presentations™ by Peter Urs Bender, author of the best seller 'Secrets of Power Presentations'. Torok is co-author of 'Secrets of Power Marketing' and host of the radio show Business in Motion. He delivers seminars across North America on thinking and communication skills. He can be reached at (905) 335-1997 or For more tips visit and


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Reciprocal Links

10 Tips For Reciprocal Links
by: Computer Work At Home Careers

Reciprocal links are one of the most common and most effective forms of website promotion. When sites trade links, they both benefit by sharing some traffic directly and getting noticed more favourably by the search engines.

Reciprocal Links help you improve search engine ranking and generate more traffic to your web site. The quality and quantity of reciprocal links with other web sites allows you to increase your link popularity. Increasing your link popularity will drive more traffic to your web site as more visitors will click through to your web site and better search engine ranking will result bringing more targeted traffic. With the increasing competition, getting a good ranking in the search engines is important. If you really want a high rank position with the search engines and more traffic to your web site, you need to work out a focused linking strategy to establish reciprocal links with other web sites. I know that exchanging links is not simple and take time, but is the best time investment you will ever do.

The basic concept is simple - you link my site, I'll link yours and we'll both get an increase in traffic. I have exchanged many links in my web-based career. Here are 10 tips from my experience ….

1) Find the right site to do a reciprocal link exchange with. Define the kinds of sites with which you want to trade links. These sites are normally in your website's category of interest, or sites that you feel your visitors might find interesting.

2) If you are at the beginning of promoting your site and want to see results soon, exchange links with popular and quality web sites. This doesn’t mean that popular web sites will accept that, but you have to try. Don’t hesitate. Lots of popular web sites that are in another category of interest, maybe accept exchange link with you. It’s your decision …

3) When you contact the webmaster of the other site, you should be kind. Tell him that you run a site that has a similar topic and describe your site a bit. Say that you like his site and have included a link to it in your site (give him the address of the page where the link is), then ask him to return the favour by linking to your site. If you never get a reply or your proposal gets rejected, just forget it and find another site.

4) Never be disappointed! There are a lot of webmasters who will exchange links with you.

5) Be patient! With hundreds of thousands of sites out there, it takes time and efforts to find and choose web sites for reciprocal links. Keep working.

6) If another webmaster asks you to exchange link, give him an answer. If you deny, explain why. If you like the content of that web site then add the link. Every link is useful.

7) Exchange as many links as you can. Don’t be afraid to swap links with competitor websites. This is not going to hurt your business. World wide web is a huge area. Internet has space for everyone.

8) Don't remove your link without contacting the webmaster of the other site first. Some webmasters agree to exchange reciprocal links, add your link on their site and after a few days/weeks they remove it without noticing you. You should check the site of your partner every now to see if he's keeping his part of the deal. If he is not, contact the guy and kindly ask him to explain why your link has disappeared. If you don't get a satisfactory explanation, remove the link to his site from your site and find another partner.

9) Prefer text links rather than graphics as this would be more search engine friendly. If you want to make your site more impressive and satisfy your partner, add a graphic link too, but don’t overdo it.

10) Your reciprocal link request is more likely to be taken seriously if you have your own domain! Some webmasters may not even wish to trade reciprocal links with websites with URLs based on other providers' domains, fearing the sites are not high quality. If you are serious about your website, consider getting your own domain. It costs some money, but the cash spent is well worth it when you realize how much better your website will be perceived in the eyes of your visitors.

Never forget … The traffic that reciprocal links generate is FREE!!!

Computer Work At Home Careers

Start a computer work at home job, build your own home based business and increase your income making money online.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

9 Steps to Public Speaking Success

9 Steps to Public Speaking Success
by: Jake Mayer

It is inevitable that at times during our careers or personal lives; we will be required to provide a presentation or public speech to a group of people. Perhaps the group is a group of peers; perhaps the audience will be senior or top-level management; perhaps the group will be comprised of people who wish to learn something from you. This is an opportunity that can boost or hinder your career path. When the day comes to provide a public presentation, will you know what to do to create and present an effective speech? Will you put the audience to sleep? Or will you be able to hold the attention of most of the audience? While you may wish you had listened more during that speech coachÕs presentation last year, you still have to get ready to hold the interest of an audience for a specific period of time. Professional speech coaches will always stress that preparation is the key to success in public speaking.

Speech CoachÕs Tip 1: Know your audience: Before you begin to prepare your material to present, you need to know what group of people will most likely comprise your target audience. It is important to speak at the level of understanding of that particular audience. If you are speaking about aerospace to grade school children, you would want to be certain you will be speaking at the level they can understand clearly and find interesting. If you are speaking to rocket scientists about aerospace, a completely different and much more technical speech would be required. One way to be certain to put an audience to sleep is to talk over their heads or far below their level of knowledge. All good speaking coaches will agree that targeting your audience and their knowledge level is crucial. You may well know exactly what group you will be speaking to and their level of understanding of the topic. If you do not have this information, seek it out by talking to the person or group who invited your to speak or talking to members of a group likely to be similar to those who will attend your speech.

Speech CoachÕs Tip 2: Know Your Subject: Speech coaches sometimes state that anyone can speak to any group on any subject and hold their interest Ð for a short time. This is true, but only to a point. Hopefully, you were asked to present this speech because you are an expert in the field. However, that may not always be the case. You must know the subject you are speaking on to the level of detail that will prepare you to answer questions from the group. Research, read, search the internet, talk to experts, or whatever is required to gather the information so that you know your topic well. Remember, you will need to be able to offer specific facts or anecdotes if you are to create a lasting impression with your speech, so make sure to take at least mental notes of real-life examples to pepper throughout your speech.

Speech CoachÕs Tip 3: The Rule of Three: People in general can focus on three things and remember them well. Speech coaches recommend that a speaker identify the three major things they wish the audience to remember from the presentation you provide. Identify what three things you want to emphasize to your audience. Speaking coaches also recommend that no more than three examples or ÒproofsÓ of each point be made as sub-points. This will provide a basis for your outline of the speech. You will also want to repeat the three major points three times in your speech: during the introduction, while covering each point, and in the closing statements.

Speech CoachÕs Tip 4: Prepare Your Material: At this point, most speech coaches recommend sitting down and fleshing out the material you will be presenting Ð the body of the speech or the three points you identified as your main points. DonÕt worry about opening or closing the speech at this point, just get your three points defined and formatted so that you can convey excitement and knowledge about your topics.

Speech CoachÕs Tip 5: Compelling Opening Statements: Now that you have bodies for your speech, professional speaking coaches recommend reviewing your material and developing a compelling and interesting opening comments section. You must give the audience a reason to listen. Make them want to know what you have to tell them. Humor can be used Ð provided you are a person who can deliver humor naturally and intelligently to the target audience Ð but it is not necessary. In the opening, you should include the three points you will be covering in the body of the speech.

Speech CoachÕs Tip 6: Closing Statements: You should close the speech with a brief review of the three major points contained in the speech. These should be brief, but, remembering the Rule of Threes, will allow you to reinforce your main points.

Speech CoachÕs Tip 7: Read and Re-Read Your Material: After you have prepared your speech, read the material until you know it well. Speech coaches recommend that you not attempt to memorize word-for-word, but that you know the material so well in your head that you can discuss the subject even if you lost all your notes! By having this material in your brain, you are prepared to delivery the knowledge to other people. I once attended a lecture series with a man who would enter the room, sit on top of his stack of notes, and then recite them word for word for the next three hours. The notes and speech were not even in his native language. You may never be the most dynamic speaker in the world, but you have full control over whether you are perceived as being informed and prepared.

Speech CoachÕs Tip 8: Audience Involvement: Speech coaches often stress that you must involve an audience to hold their attention. Depending on your audience, this can be accomplished in several ways. For a formal audience where you canÕt break the audience into groups or other physical involvement, ask questions of the audience such as ÒWhat would you do if this occurred?Ó Another technique is to ask for a show of hands of how many people have been in similar situations or had the same questions you are answering in your speech. Tell the audience, ÒNow, please write this down because it is crucial knowledge for your success.Ó If the group is small and informal, you may be able to involve the audience by asking groups of several people to write a question or comment to be collected and reviewed at the end of the presentation. Any technique you can think of that will involve the audience and get them to participate will work much better than ending with, ÒAre there any questions?Ó That ending almost never, according to the best speech coaches, results in a response from any attendees.

Speech CoachÕs Tip 9: Present with Confidence: When the time comes to present your speech, take a few minutes to practice deep breathing to calm yourself. Remember that body language is very important and you must be animated while speaking. Talk the speech rather than read it. These people came to hear you, not read your work! Make eye contact with the audience, moving that eye contact from person to person. Move your hands and if room allows, walk about the stage. Smile where appropriate, show facial expressions of concern where appropriate. Animate your body and your face to remain interesting and dynamic. If you make a mistake and have to correct yourself, laugh at yourself. Accept that you are human and this one speech is not the end of the world. Use short, clear sentences spoken in a clear, calm voice. Pause at main points Ð there is no need to rush because you are prepared and KNOW you are prepared.

By following these nine tips, you will be able to develop a speech for any group on any subject on which you have some knowledge. Enjoy the moment and do not allow stage fright to hold you back. During your time on stage presenting your well-prepared material, you will shine in the spotlight!

About the author:

By Jake Mayer Lapis Teahouse My own background includes an extensive grounding in philosophy and eastern religion (I have a B.A. in comparative religion, and a Master's Degree in Oriental Medicine). I am available for public speaking, and can be reached at


Sunday, March 2, 2008

10 Things to Think About When You Run Your Own Seminar or Wo

10 Things to Think About When You Run Your Own Seminar or Wo
by: Martin Avis

Experts on all kinds of subjects, at some point in
their careers, often try to run seminars or workshops.
There are lots of reasons why they do it, but the main
one is money. These can be very lucrative money-
spinners if done correctly.

An awful lot are not done correctly. Far too many
'experts' think that all they have to do to captivate
an audience is to stand at the front with an overhead
projector and drone on for a few hours.

The first thing to correct about this way of thinking
is that the people who have paid good money to attend
are not an audience.

Plays have audiences. Movies do. Even lecturers talk to
an audience.

Seminars and workshops have participants. And if they
don't get to participate, they might as well have
stayed at home.

Here are my ten pointers for a successful seminar or
workshop. There is a lot more to it, but get these
right and you will be halfway there.

1. Write a very full outline of everything you need to
cover. It is vital that you are totally prepared.
Nothing looks worse than a seminar presenter who is not
100% on top of the flow of events.

2. Do a lot of market research before you start to
write your outline. Ask people what they want/need to
know. You will probably be surprised. I have found many
times that the things people find the most fascinating
or useful are the things that I would have skipped over
or assumed they already knew. Never assume possession
of knowledge simply because it is second nature to you.

3. Remember that people learn in different ways. Some
people are visual, some are audible and some have to
experience things. Bearing that in mind, ensure that
you provide educational stimulus for each type of
person - visual charts, memorable commentary and
interactive exercises.

4. Don't plan a 2-day seminar around a subject that can
be covered in 2 hours.

5. Don't try to cover in 2 hours a subject that needs 2

6. Learn to present. This little step is so often
forgotten by people who think they can teach.
Presentation is so important. You not only have to be
seen and heard, but you also have to persuade. Think of
it as selling your ideas.

7. If you are new to the field of seminars and
workshops, make sure you carry out a series of practice
runs before you try to impart your wisdom to paying
customers. There are lots of thing that can (and will)
go wrong. Things like having the wrong content; like
reaching the end of your time and finding that you only
covered half of what you expected; like finding you
pitched the content way above their heads - or too far
below; like not having anticipated what questions would
be asked - and worse, not knowing the answers. Run your
seminar at least twice, completely free-of-charge - the
cost to the delegates being that they have to give you
honest feedback.

8. Don't forget leave-behinds. The better the package
that you can give people to take away, the more
valuable they will think the seminar was. I run a
seminar on presentation skills. Delegates pay up to
$1000 each to attend the 2-day course. When they
arrive, I give them a leather presentation wallet with
a crisp new yellow pad inside and three colors of pen.
As each session ends, I give each person a beautifully
color printed document that covers all the main points
covered in easy to refer to summary form. At the end of
the course, everyone is given a CD with all the slides
and exercises used over the 2 days, plus a load of
extra information - articles, back copies of my e-zine,
links to Internet sites and so on. Of course, all of
this stuff is branded with my name. The perceived value
of this package is considerable, but in reality it
costs me less than $30 a head. Not a bad gift for
someone who has spent $1000!

9. Have a back end. Don't plan one workshop, plan two.
Make sure everyone who attends is sold on the next
workshop (maybe with a special discount offer).
Consider selling any products that you recommend. Many
big names who run seminars make a bundle from selling
books and tapes at the back of the room.

10. Finally, remember that people will thank you if
they learn something, but they will only recommend you
if they have fun in the process.

About the Author

Martin Avis is a management and training consultant.
To get your unfair advantage in Internet marketing,
business and personal success, (and 6 free gifts),
subscribe to his free weekly newsletter, BizE-zine. or visit his
information-packed website at


Monday, February 25, 2008

10 Tips for a Successful Job Search

10 Tips for a Successful Job Search
by: Cathy Severson, MS

Create a support system for yourself emotionally and for your job search. Identify allies that you can count on. Know some will have strengths in one area, but weaknesses in another. Recognize different people will play different roles in your job search.

Maintain a positive attitude. Inevitably, negative feelings can sabotage your job search. If you have anger about your former employer, work through it. Negative emotions will undermine your best efforts. Keep yourself renewed and enthusiastic throughout the process.

Network. The number one way of getting a job is through networking. Even if you are involved in the computer industry, less than 10% of jobs are obtained through the Internet. Devote energy to making real, valuable connections with people.

Develop a schedule and goals. Getting a job is of course the ultimate goal, but it is impossible to predict when you will achieve it. Develop daily and weekly schedules of job search activities you can control. For example, send out 10 resumes, research 5 companies and call 10 people in your network. This will keep you on track, and focused.

Know what you want. People need to work for money and benefits. But remember other components are necessary for you to feel satisfied in the workplace. Know what motivates and satisfies you. Know which environment you're most productive in. Know what you can compromise on and what you won't.

Always have a "Plan B". The best time to accelerate your job search is when you've just had the greatest interview of your life. You're feeling confident, enthusiastic and competent. This is the time to expand your networking, follow-up on contacts and schedule new interviews. Remember, even the most promising prospect can backfire.

Take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Exercise and eating right can't go wrong-they are proven to enhance quality of life. Celebrate your creativity and find ways to engage your mind, body and spirit.

Research companies before the interview. Find out about the company through your local library and Internet. Request an annual financial report and promotional information from the company. Ninety percent of the other job seekers don't do their homework, be the one that stands out.

Know what you have to offer. Identify your relevant skills and accomplishments. Know the unique contributions you offered former employers. Be able to articulate your strengths on your resume and in the interview.

Think outside the box during your job search. Look for unexpected opportunities; explore untapped skills and interests. Open yourself up to
new possibilities

About the Author

Cathy Severson, MS is a career counselor and a career coach. She helps adults find both success and fulfillment in their work by incorporating a simple three-step strategy. Contact her at and visit her website at


Monday, February 18, 2008

10 Secrets to Motivating Yourself to Great Accomplishments

10 Secrets to Motivating Yourself to Great Accomplishments
by Ed Sykes ©2004

1. Positive Affirmations
Our subconscious mind is a wonderful tool for success or failure. It will do what we tell it to do. It all depends on what thoughts we feed it. So why not feed your inner mind with only positive thoughts. The following are some examples of positive affirmations you can feed your inner mind for success:

* “Today, I will win because I have faith, courage and enthusiasm.”
* “I see failure only as a signpost on my road to success.”
* “When I feel stress, I will relax and release my stress before I take on my next task.”
* “I always write down my priorities, thinking of my responsibilities. I may not get everything done, but I will do the most productive thing possible at every given moment.”
* “I am a winner, I work for a winning organization, and because of my contribution and cooperation we will keep on winning.”
* “Today, I will see opportunity in every challenge offered to me.”

2. Positive Language
Recent research has come out that 75% of daily conversation is negative. Whether it is the words we use or the body language, we need to communicate in a positive manner all the time.

The following are some examples of how you can turn negative words into positive communication:

* Instead of saying “problem,” call it “opportunity.”
* Instead of an action being a “failure,” describe it as a “learning experience.”
* Instead of “I have to,” say “I choose to.” This gives control for your actions back to you.
* Instead of saying, “There’s nothing I can do,” say, “Let’s look at our alternatives.”
* Instead of saying, “That’s just the way I am,” say, “I choose a different approach.”
* Instead of saying, “He makes me so mad,” say, “I control my own feelings.”

If you notice, by using the positive response, you have control over your actions and life.

3. Exercise
A Gallup survey found the following among men and women who have taken up exercise recently:

* 66 percent report a more relaxed life
* 62 percent a new surge of energy
* 55 percent less stress
* 51 percent better looks
* 46 percent more confidence
* 45 percent better love life
* 44 percent greater job satisfaction
* 37 percent more creative on their jobs

These are great motivators to exercise! Next time you feel demotivated, give your body a workout. Recent research reports that as little as fifteen minutes three times a week has profound effects. Get moving. Get motivated.

4. Take Risks
We all live our lives in comforts zones, avoiding risky situations, avoiding the potential to fail. It’s real safe for us. But in order to get ahead of your competition and master the ongoing change in your life, you must go out of your comfort zone. Start one step at a time. Try that little new thing, that different approach. It could be as simple as taking different routes to and from work. Once in a while I like to “take the road less traveled” to stir up my creative juices. Then, keep stepping out of your zone. It may seem uncomfortable at first. But the more you do it, the more it will seem natural and you will see an increase in your creative juices and opportunities you never thought about before.

5. Positive Reading
Read about the lives of successful people. Make sure you read only those people that embrace the timeless values that make them truly successful through the ages. Not the “success today, scandal tomorrow” success stories that we are experiencing today. People like Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines, Fred Smith of Federal Express, Mary Kay Ash of Mary Kay, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. are good examples. These are people who overcame enormous challenges, created real value for others, or changed other people’s lives for the better.

6. Positive Visualizations
Condition yourself to paint your vision for success. One of the best ways to do this is the following:

* Go to a quiet place in your home or elsewhere. Turn off all radios, televisions, etc.
* Find a comfortable chair and get into a relaxed state of mind.
* Start thinking about one goal you want to accomplish. Remember, visualize as if you are already accomplishing this goal.
* Visualize taking all the necessary steps to successfully complete these goals. The better your visualization, where you can actually see, feel, hear, and touch your vision, the more real it is to you.
* Visualize any challenges to your successful completion of this goal and how you will eliminate this challenges.
* Visualize how good it feels to complete this goal. Visualize what benefits it will bring to you, your family, friends, co-workers, etc. Enjoy the moment!

Important: If you don’t take time to see it, it won’t happen!

7. Think Big
See the big picture in everything we do. So much of our time is wasted dealing with the unimportant things in our lives (what that person said or did, the driver who cut us off this morning, and activities which don’t add value to our lives, etc.) that we forget about the big picture. We were put on this earth to make a difference. We make a difference for our families, our communities, our organizations, and for ourselves. All of our actions must be put into action with this concept in mind. Think a little bigger today than yesterday, and you’ll create a better future tomorrow. Thinking big leads to great actions. Thinking small leads to small results. So Think BIG!

8. Set Goals
The fastest way to fail in life is to not set clear goals. Set goals in the financial, family, health, spiritual, and career areas. Your goals must incorporate the SMART techniques or else it’s just a “conversation in the park.”

* S for specific
* M for measurable
* A for attainable
* R for realistic
* T for time-based

For example, you might have a goal of achieving $2 million for retirement in twenty years. After doing your research, a SMART goal would be the following:

“I will acquire $2 million dollars for retirement by 2024. I will do this by contributing $20K, or $1667 per month, to my various retirement funds each year. Of the $20k each year, $2k will go to my IRA, and $18K will go into my organization’s retirement program.”

Remember the most detail you can add, the more realistic your goal becomes.

9. Positive Appearance
Super achievers are very careful about their appearance and their movements. They know that looking good translates into feeling good. Billy Crystal, of Saturday Night Live and movie fame, once played a character that was known for saying, “It is better to look good than to feel good.” What he was really implying was the “fake it until you make it” concept. In other words, if we are feeling down, then think positively and your mind will tell your body to follow suit and act positively. Also always dress the part of an achiever. Model the dress, actions, and behaviors of someone who is successful and embraces the long term values of successful people. This will also tell your mind that I am an achiever.

Don’t let that be the deciding factor on being motivated. You can easily distinguish those who are motivated from those who are not motivated just by looking at their appearance and their movements. The motivated move forward, onward and upward with confidence.

10. Helping Others
Develop an obsession to help others. Share your special talents without expecting a reward, payment, or commendation. And above all else, keep your good deed a secret.

You know what, it you apply the helping techniques to others, it will automatically come back to you tenfold in a number of ways. First, the enjoyment of knowing that a special talent you had made someone else’s life better. Second, because you didn’t seek it, word will spread about you and your deeds. This will be translated into unexpected riches and opportunities. Third, you will gain a new level of confidence in knowing that you can make a difference. Super achievers find motivation and meaning by helping others.

About the Author

Ed Sykes is a professional speaker, author, and success coach in the areas of leadership, motivation, stress management, customer service, and team building. You can e-mail him at, or call him at (757) 427-7032. Go to his web site,, and signup for the newsletter, OnPoint, and receive the free ebook, "Empowerment and Stress Secrets for the Busy Professional."


Sunday, February 17, 2008

7 Effective Tips For Get a New Job FAST

7 Effective Tips For Get a New Job FAST
by: Damian Papworth

In the last four articles in this series, we covered the
four basic steps to finding employment. Defining,
prospecting, applying and interviewing. In this final
article, we giving you 7 quality tips which will help
you cut valuable time off each step and therefore the
entire job hunt process.

1. Don't wait till you start looking for a job, before you
start looking.

Be up to date with your industry and the conditions
of your employment environment all the time. Make
this part of your job description in every job you hold.
It could save you weeks when it comes time to find a

2. Keep your resume up to date

Find a template or layout that you are comfortable with
and maintain it. Update it twice a year at least. It will save
you the mad scramble to put it together and possibly a lost
opportunity because you were unprepared.

3. Network Network Network.

Keep in touch with all your contacts in the industry. This
includes workmates, employers, contacts at employment
agencies, contacts in similar companies etc. You never know
what other people will be doing tomorrow, or what opportunities
they may have for you.

4. Accept interviews even if you are not interested in the
opportunity, or not looking for a job.

Interviewing is a very specific skill. Keep that skill honed.
Keep practising the skill. You don't want to lose "perfect"
opportunies because it is your first interview in 5 years and
you need to get your answers back up to scratch. Remember
you do not have to accept the job.

5. Keep a diary of your experiences.

Note what you did well with each job opportunity. What worked,
what didn't, improvements you could make, elements you can
get rid of. Then, when you next go through an employment
opportunity situation, revisit your notes, duplicate the good
things and improve the bad things. Recognise the process
as having a learning curve, and learn.

6. If you do not have a job and need one, make job hunting
your full time job.

Get out of bed at the same time you would if you were working
in your given field. This will put your time clock in sync with your
interviewers. Spend the same hours working on your job hunt
as you would in the job. Be disciplined.

7. Keep focused

Know what you are looking for and have a clear plan for
achieving your goal. Do not accept roles that are different
to your goals at the start of your job hunt. This could cost
you years in your career.

This is the final part of a 5 part special report on reducing
the time it takes to get a job. Its not fun running around
trying to win that job, this report is full of tips and tricks
which will help you reduce your job hunt time to a

The rest of this report is delivered in incremental articles which
you can get by subscribing for the FREE newsletter at The entire series of articles
will be sent automatically to you email address. Other
topics covered include: Prospecting for Job Leads; The Job
Application and The Interview Process. So to get your copy of this,
entire report, by signing up for this free newsletter at or by sending a blank email to

Till then, good luck with your hunt


Finally, a dedicated and systematic approach to ensuring
you're earning an income forever. Find out how, in four
logical steps, you will never have money problems again.

About the Author

Damian Papworth has been a Senior Manager in one of the Fortune 500 to close on a decade. In that time he has employed countless new people to work for him. He knows what employers look for


Friday, February 8, 2008

Effective Resume Cover Letter

7 Secrets of a Highly-Effective Resume Cover Letter
by: Jimmy Sweeney

Just like the late, great Rodney Dangerfield, the "humble" cover letter gets no respect.

Job-seekers spend so much time and energy on their resumes they've got nothing left to offer their poor, neglected cover letters.

Big, BIG mistake!

It is the well-written cover letter not the resume that can single-handedly land you more job interviews. The cover letter is your one chance to really "market" yourself to an employer using proven marketing strategies rarely found in the typical cover letter.

Conversely, there's only so much you can do with the traditional CV or resume. I believe the carefully crafted cover letter is more important to your job search success than any other written document, including the resume.

As a direct marketing professional for over 20 years, I bring to you my 7 secrets of a highly-effective resume cover letter:

ADDRESS your cover letter to a specific person. Do your best to find out "To Whom" you should address your cover letter. "Dear Manager" is lifeless.

OPEN with an attention-grabbing first sentence to really grip the reader. This will almost guarantee your cover letter and resume get a closer look.

REMEMBER less is more. The best cover letters have plenty of white space. Cover letters that are clear, focused, short and sweet land more job interviews period.

FOCUS on what you can do for the employer. How can you benefit the company specifically? Do a little research and relate this simply and clearly in your letter.

CHOOSE WORDS that show enthusiasm and passion for the position you seek... (big, big secret!) Then, carry this passion into the interview with you.

REQUEST ONE ACTION you want the employer to take: "I would really like the opportunity for a personal interview this week." (You never know until you ASK.)

END your cover letter with something enthusiastic and telling like, "I look forward to being interviewed at your earliest convenience. Thank you so much for this opportunity." Sincerely, Jane Jobseeker. (Notice how Jane assumes she'll land the interview? This is clever, smart, and it works like a charm).
Think of your cover letter as a sales letter. The only purpose of your resume cover letter is to land you more job interviews. That's the bottom line. By using the proven marketing strategies I've outlined above you will land more quality job interviews than your competition.

You must find a way to get your "foot in the company door" to have any chance of landing the job. With the right cover letter you can blow the doors of opportunity wide open. And remember, more job interviews translate to (drum roll please)... more job offers.

Finally, the most important advice I can offer you is this: FOLLOW-UP every job lead, contact, and communication. Following up is the "golden key" to getting hired for the job of your dreams. Use follow-up cover letters, thank you letters, even follow-up phone calls. Following-up can literally double your chance for success. It is also the one secret ingredient missing from 99% of every job-seeker's playbook.

Good news for you!

About The Author

Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the new, "Amazing Cover Letter Creator." Jimmy has written several career-related books and his unique, "think-outside-the-job-search-box" approach, make his articles a job-seeker favorite. Jimmy is regularly published on some of the Internet’s largest career web sites. Who else wants their phone ringing off the hook with more quality job interviews? Visit Jimmy on the web right now at for your 'instant' cover letter today.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Career Growth and Excellence

7 Stepping-stones to Career Growth and Excellence
by: Steve Brunkhorst

Achieving excellence in our work is an integral part of feeling genuinely satisfied in life. We want our careers or businesses to blossom, making us financially secure and content with our achievements. Here are seven stepping-stones that lead to career growth and excellence. When used as part of a total action-plan, these stepping-stones can contribute tremendously to the fulfillment that you desire.

1. Make a Commitment to Excellence

A passionate commitment to excellence is a primary step to growth in any endeavor. It is not enough to say we want to be excellent; we must make a commitment.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, business owner, employer, or employee, commit yourself to becoming excellent in your chosen field. When you commit yourself to excellence, you will grow personally as well as professionally.

2. Empower Yourself and Others by Continuing to Learn

A commitment to excellence requires continuous learning. Keep your skills sharpened by reading the latest books and attending seminars, classes, or workshops. Ask for feedback from clients, customers, supervisors, co-workers and employees. Frequently assess yourself and look for key skills that need improvement.

By empowering yourself with knowledge, you will reap the rewards of continued growth and excellent performance. You will also inspire others to seek empowerment, excellence, and growth.

3. Multiply Your Efforts through Networking

Tell many people about the specific ways that you can help to meet their needs. For example, instead of saying, "I sell real estate," you might say, "I help low income families find quality, affordable housing in areas where they've always wanted to live." Tell people what makes your service or product special. However, keep your interactions light-hearted and spontaneous. Ask questions that show your interest in the other individual. Make your personality as well as your service memorable.

Compile a list of people with whom you want to work or do business. Attend seminars or workshops and network at every opportunity. If someone does not need your service, he or she might know someone who does. Keep a supply of business cards with you at all times. When you have built a business relationship with someone or gained a satisfied client, ask for referrals. Personal references will bring a large percentage of your business.

4. Communicate Powerfully

When networking or interacting with co-workers, communicate powerfully by remembering three letters: ALC. These stand for Ask-Listen-Clarify. Ask questions to determine the needs and desires of others. Listen empathetically—not only to hear, but to understand. Then clarify by rephrasing and repeating back what the other individual said. If necessary, rephrase your question and ask additional questions.

Powerful listening is the key to powerful communication. Pay attention to body language. Listen to non-verbal cues that reveal feelings behind spoken messages, and then clarify. Powerful communication will lead to continued career growth, excellence, and satisfaction.

5. Lead with Empathy

No matter what position you hold currently, you are always leading others through your influence. You influence others with your thoughts and actions even if you are not aware of doing so.

Think of three leaders who you admire. What traits and leadership skills do you admire the most in these leaders? This question will reveal your deepest leadership values. Leading with empathy is leading from your deepest values. These values allow you to focus on the strengths of those you lead; they allow you to lead others in ways you would want them to lead you.

6. Maintain Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Fitness

A healthy body helps to maintain a healthy mind and vice versa. Spiritual strength nourishes both the body and mind. Cultivating our faith in God strengthens our resolve to overcome adversities and focus on outcomes rather than roadblocks.

Follow a sound wellness program, get regular physical checkups, and pray or meditate each day. Schedule a daily time for relaxation. Physical, mental, and spiritual fitness contribute to steady growth and maximum excellence in fulfilling our individual purposes.

7. Serve with Love, Faith, and Gratitude

We receive in this life only that which we first give. That includes our thoughts and attitudes. Fill your thoughts with the spirit of love for those you serve. Communicate your deepest gratitude to customers and clients for their trust in you. Show gratitude in special ways that provide more value than expected.

Trust clients and customers to make decisions that are right for them. If you have faith in those you serve, they will have faith in you.

Take this Challenge Now

Make a list of at least twelve different ways you could implement each of these stepping-stones during the next 12 months. Select seven items, one item from each list of twelve. Then put them into action over the next week.

Continue to implement more of your ideas throughout the coming months. Refer back to your list frequently, and write down the changes that you see taking place. You will see positive changes both personally and professionally.

In Summary

Career growth and excellence contribute significantly to life satisfaction. They require acting with commitment and integrity. We need to set our standards high and continually acquire new knowledge to grow and perform with excellence. People are essential to success, and we must listen deeply to communicate powerfully. Leading others from our deepest values allows us to lead with empathy.

Growth requires physical, mental, and spiritual strength. Love, faith, and gratitude will provide an integral framework for career growth and excellence. Taking deliberate action to excel and grow today will set the process in motion and bring rewarding results throughout the future.

About the Author

© Copyright 2005 by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve is a professional life success coach, motivational author, and the editor of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Contact Steve by visiting


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